Tuesday, September 22, 2015

"Get a PEACE of Georgia, today"

     The Georgia Colony, Savannah, was founded in 1733, by the group of English Trustees including James Oglethorpe. The charter for the colony was issued by King George II, for the purpose of benefiting the poor and protecting the northern colonies from the advance of the Spanish. Like many other colonies, the Georgia Colony had a distinct form of government. The Trustees created laws concerning land restrictions to 500 acres, prohibiting the importation and creation of rum, and refusing black slaves to encourage other English settlers to come. Because this was a later developed colony, the settlers had more knowledge on what to expect when they were founding their colony, resulting in  less famine, strife, and plague. The people of the Georgia Colony were also predominantly Protestant, however, also allowed other religious groups to find refuge within their colony, such as Jews. They traded with the Yamacraws and other tribes of the Creek Confederacy. This ability to peacefully trade was thanks to James Oglethorpe, who headed Native diplomacy, and saw to those who violated fair trade with the Natives. 


Friday, September 11, 2015

Columbus Day: Should it be Claimed as a Holiday?

Columbus day, the federal holiday in the US. celebrates the accomplishment of Christofer Columbus reaching the New World. Opening a new continent to trade with and rule by the Spanish Government. 
This was not necessarily a good thing however. For the native American Indians of the Americas the encroachment of their lands by the arriving foreigners was the first step to being taken over. These native indians were used as slaves, forced to labor for the Spanish. Bringing not only men over from the Old World, the Spanish brought plagues like smallpox and the flu, domesticated animals like the cow, and un-native plants. Back to the Old World they took gold, slaves, and goods. 
As plunderers of highly priced merchandise and destroyers of ancient native peoples, the Spanish did many bad deeds after finding the continent. In this way, Columbus' discovery of America is not a joyful historic moment. However, it is still a historic moment marking the day a great leap was made in globalization. I believe that Columbus day should be a historic holiday because it immensely changed world dynamics bringing new trade, wealth, and power.